North Border Homecoming - September 25th-29th

Homecoming king and queen
candidates are left to right:
Cassie Schafer, Marcus Ramsay,
Courtney Masloski, Matthew Phillips,
Becky Nolte, Daniel Gunderson and
KJ Henschel.
Homecoming week for 2006 will begin on Monday, September 25th. Coronation activities will take place that evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. Candidates for King and Queen are Cassie Schafer, daughter of Wayne & Janet Schafer, Marcus Ramsay, son of Mark & Mary Jo Ramsay, Courtney Masloski, daughter of Jim & Karen Masloski, Matthew Phillips, son of Rob & Cheryl Phillips, Becky Nolte, daughter of Greg & Theresa Nolte, Daniel Gunderson, son of Bill & Cynder Gunderson, and KJ Henschel, daughter of Kelly & Deb Henschel. Junior class attendants are Kelsey Horsley and Tyson Taylor, Sophomore class attendants are Katie Ramsay and Brandon Stanhope, Freshmen class attendants are Anna Kalliokoski and Matthew Thom.The Homecoming Parade will be in Walhalla on Friday, September 29 beginning at 1:30. There will be a pep rally following the parade in the City Park. The football game against the New Rockford-Sheyennne Rockets will begin at 7:00. The homecoming dance will be in Walhalla following the game.
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